Monday 30 September 2013

Photojournalism (War)

 Robert Capa/Tony Viccaro

  • Describe the different circumstances that these photographers experienced as Photojournalists in WW2 
  • Find and upload to your blog some work of theirs

Eddie Adams

  •  Describe the difference between the video footage and the photograph of the "Execution"

Remember to get a Merit grade

You will need to cover the above evidence in sentences/paragraphs and not as answers to the questions and then with you own thoughts and arguments discuss, what makes Photojournalism a reliable/unreliable style of photography 

To get Distinction grade

You will need to cover the merit question and then apply this definition to another example that you come up with yourself E.g. Modern approaches to photo gathering at news events such as crowd sourcing, twitter etc. Are these more effective?
Who imployed them
what pictures did they take


Robert Capa and Tony Viccaro where both wartime photographers who made vast photographic coverage of World War 2. I think that the difference between Robert Capa and Tony Vaccaro's views on war are extremely conflicting. Robert Capa said that "war is glorious". I believe this is partly due to the fact that he was able to just drop in and out of war and see what he wanted. Where as Tony Vaccaro saw the evil in war, which i believe is due to him having to stay and see all sides of war that Capa didn't stay around to see.

Robert Capa
Robert Capa was employed by a private company (life magazine) to take pictures of war times. This allowed him the opportunity to get in and out of the action whenever he wanted. His two rules were:
Rule 1: Get Close
Rule 2: Get Closer
Robert Capa used the Leica camera to take pictures during world war 2 because he got lots of money from life magazine and the Leica was the best camera you could get for portability. This was needed so he could get really close to the battle and stay mobile.

Some of his work:

First Wave of American Soldiers during D-Day
American Soldier capturing a German Soldier

Tony Vaccaro
Tony Vaccaro was drafted for the US Military in 1943 as a private in the 83rd Infantry division. This was good for his photography however because it allowed him to get to the front lines of the action and so allow him to take uncensored pictures. The military at the time was using the speedgraphic camera for photojournalism.
But Tony switched to the Argus C3 because the speedgraphic was only able to take 2 pictures at a time and was slow to put in a new reel of film. The reason Tony used the Argus C3 over the Leica is because the Leica was expensive and he didn't have enough money to get it.

Some of Tony's photographs of the war was destroyed by the military because a lot of his photos contained the pictures of dead US soldiers.
Some of his work:
German Soldier returning home

Bomb Damaged Reichstag

 Eddie Adams
There are many differences between the video footage and the photo of the execution.

The picture isn't able to capture the shock of the people there as much as the video. In the video
the people around quickly move out of the way at the last moment when he pulls the gun up, showing how quickly and unexpectedly the event occurred whereas with the picture, it doesn't exactly show how on the spot that decision to shoot him was.
Also with the picture, that one frame is able to capture what looks to me like a split second of shock and pain from the person being shot like he didn't see it coming. However with the video it looks to me like he did see it coming as the gun was out for a few seconds and he looked really calm.

I think that, nowadays, photojournalism is really unreliable. I believe this because of the amount of editing that can be done to pictures. In pictures, you are able to completely remove some things from the image without anybody noticing and this could completely change the meaning of the image. For example even years ago Stalin was able to completely remove people from his pictures if he wanted to and that was done without the use of today's technology.
Also photojournalism is only able to capture one single frame at a time. This makes it unreliable because what was happening at that time could have been a one off event compared to what usually happens.

Monday 23 September 2013

Photojournalism Part 1

Photojournalism - Explain what it is
Photojournalism is a type of journalism that involves reporting the events through a visual means (photographs). This is useful because it allows the reader to get a real sense of the events going on and also allows the illiterate to keep up with the story.

Henri Cartier Bresson

Why was he famous?
Henri Carter Bresson was famous because he was very good at envisioning good pictures and then acting on them. He was really good at being in the right place at the right time because he would wait in the right places for something to occur. He was also one of the first people to use the next gen cameras called the Leica.

Why was his work significant?
His work was significant because he helped street photography or life reportage gain influence throughout the world and because he was one of the first to use the Leica camera.

His work

His Camera & Technique
Henri was one of the first to use the Leica. It was a camera that took a photograph within seconds and so was revolutionary on the capturing of live events. His technique involved him patiently waiting for an opportunity to arise that would allow him to capture the perfect shot of an event.

Monday 16 September 2013


Photography is involved in my life because my father used to be a photographer for a club.
If i want to take a picture i could use my families canon. Hover i would probably just use my blackberry

I hope to gain skills in Photoshop from this course