Monday 18 November 2013

[Fashion Photography]

To what degree should an image be manipulated to go into a fashion magazine

I think that images are allowed to be manipulated in fashion magazines but only to a slight degree. This is because i think that manipulations do help the magazines sell and so i can understand them doing it. However i don't think that models should be manipulated too much because some people then will go to extremes to try and look like what can only be achieved via Photoshop tampering which could ultimately harm the person trying to get that way by looking for unrealistic expectations.

When is an image a portrait and when is it a fashion photograph

The difference between portraiture and fashion photography is the focus of the piece. 
In portraiture the focus of the piece is the person that is being photographed. This might be a certain type of emotion the person is showing or just to present the persons characteristics. This is because the photographer is selling the image of the person rather than superficial stuff such as clothing.
Portrait of Barack Obama 
Whereas in fashion photography the main focus is the clothing and accessories that the person has on them, such as a jumper or handbag, rather than the person. This is because the fashion company wants to sell the clothing rather than the image of the person.

Vogue November 2013 edition

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